Minivia Fernandes

Aspiring Data Analyst well versed in SQL, Python, R, Tableau, & Excel.

San Francisco Airbnb
Data Visualization

Utilized data from Inside Airbnb to provide metrics and visualizations on the relationships between number of listings, price, reviews, and location. Dashboards with combinations of heat maps, bar charts, histograms, and scatter plots of the Airbnb data were implemented in Tableau.

Customer Analysis
Data Visualization

Created a Descriptive Customer Analysis Dashboard portraying the relationships of revenue to geographic and demographic data. Dashboard including a bar chart, butterfly chart, and scatter plot of the data was implemented in Tableau.

NLP Twitter
Sentiment Analysis

Trained a Naive Bayes classifier to predict sentiment from thousands of Twitter tweets in Python. This process can be done automatically without having humans manually review thousands of tweets and customer reviews.

Stock Exploratory
Data Analysis

Python project pulling in stock data using Pandas, cleaning the data, and creating a number of visualizations with libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn in order to display the findings of my EDA.

